Thursday, April 15, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010


ok.this movie like hell dude..i'm scared cause the way they stare at us like NAK MAKAN ORG..thank god my dad ancompany me.but the movie is the best horro movie in 2010..clap clap clap.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

aiman aziz his BIRTHDAY.i wanted to wished him lastnight but then i slept there no chance here..i woke up at 6 o'clock and went to school.the minutes i walking infront of his class i saw his face trough the window and i said who's that.and he said aiman.ok then.i scream to him HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIMAN and aiman like shocked and said tqtq.weh aimann kau dh besa doh..x sangka.ahah.have a great one ok.;) syg kau.jgn lupa meen sudah..